Becoming Whole in Mind, Body, & Soul

100% Vegan, Holistic, & Handmade with love. 

Including all natural care products & accessories.


My mission is to create a refreshing beauty aura for individuals to feel comfortable in their own skin and nature. My goal is to provide you with the essential tools to help. Mende Beauty was created by Ms. Mendey Nabie, CEO who felt as though the world should advocate self love and acceptance rather than artificiality. In a world where we are constantly surrounded by unnatural and false representations of life, we often take advantage of the power of nature and the value it has. Mende Beauty promotes natural beauty and believes everyone should be happy & accepting of the way they were created. I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way and strive to help my clients feel it too!

Product Photography Credits: Spliff Dalcoe

Instagram - @iamspliff